Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Great Granddaddy and Uncle Nick

Meet your great granddaddy and your Uncle Nick. They were very special people in your mom's life. She loved them very much. They have left this earth and gone on to a better place and will forever be your guardian angels. Your mom will tell you one day about your great granddaddy being your forever red bird. He will always be around and will appear when you least expect him.

Your Uncle Nick was one of a kind and always called your mom his "little blue eyes". Because of her love and admiration of Uncle Nick, you will forever carry his name. Wear it proudly.

Your mom has set up a special place for them on your dresser. They will be watching you grow up and will smile with pride as you develop some of those Hastings trademarks.

Monkeys Everywhere

Hello Zander. Welcome to your new room!

I sure hope you like monkeys because they are everywhere at your new house. There are stuffed ones, flat ones, cute ones, silly ones and even on the feet of your new clothes. You can dress up in your monkey onesie and you and daddy can curl up together while he reads you Five Silly Monkeys.
Then if all goes true to course, you will both be asleep whereever you were at when the reading began. I can't wait to capture those moments.

There are monkeys to keep you company while you sleep and to look over you.

There is even a monkey hamper for your itty bitty dirty clothes.

Where is Zander?

For all of you wondering minds, I have proof of where Zander is now. He is still snug and comfy in mom's belly living the high life (or from the looks of her belly, the low life).

Mom and dad are doing fine, eager for the arrival of a beautiful bundle of joy. Mom, dad and baby are getting some much needed rest. MeeMee keeps telling them that they better get all of the rest and sleep that they can because those days are about to end for awhile.

MeeMee went over for a visit Sunday and took a few pictures. Several appear here and others will appear in other posts. As you can see here, mom and dad love you very much.

With love,

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Week 38 Doctor's Appointment

Marj had her weekly doctor's appointment this morning. She (and we) were hoping for a date for induction when she got home, but we were fooled. Zander is warm and snug in mommy's belly and has decided to stay a little longer. Marj is still 3 cm dilated and no further along than she was last week. The ultrasound showed that Zander is not "in position" yet which tells me that he just is not ready yet. I have to keep reminding myself that he still has two weeks until his actual due date. He is just reminding us who is in control in this situation. He and God have it all in control and we'll just have to wait.

There is some concern about his heart rate. His heart rate is 105 when Marj is laying on her back and 115 when she rolls over to her side. She will be undergoing another non-stress test Friday at 10. The doctor will re-evaluate then.

Meanwhile, James and Marj have their house in order and are getting some much needed rest while they wait on Baby Zander to decide it is time for him to come out and play.

Zander, this is MeeMee (yes, I changed my change - I can do that!). The flu season has hit really hard in South Carolina and it is ugly. Take your time (within reason) and take comfort where you are and that you are well protected from all of the evils of the world. I love you and can't wait to shed happy tears as you come into the world. Your mom will tell you that I cry over everything. You'll get used to it because I'll do it alot as I watch you grow up.

Sleep tight. God, he is in your hands and we take comfort that you are in control of all things.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Week 38

It's the start of a new week - hopefully the last week of pregnancy and the first week of Zander's life outside of the womb. Everyone is anxiously waiting and everytime I call anyone their first question is "do we have a baby" or in mama's case "is it time?" Marj sees Dr. Reynolds tomorrow (Tuesday) for her regular visit. We will see what he says about setting a date to induce her. I went over yesterday and took pictures of the nursery and of Marj's pregnant belly. She has nested well the past couple of weeks. Her house looks great and she seemed to be getting some much needed rest. More on that (including pictures) to come later.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What is his name?

For all of you who keep asking me what his name will be, I finally remembered to ask Marj last night. She says that his official name will be "Nicholas James Alexander Harris". Those are some pretty significant family member names. Uncle Nick (RIP), his father (James), and Uncle Bucky (Alexander).

Week 37 3D Ultrasound Pictures

MeeMee got so excited that she forgot to attach today's ultrasound pictures. He is laying on his arm so these are not the best - but look at those eyelashes. Again, this is simply amazing to me.

I love you Zander!!

Week 37 Doctor's Appointment

Greetings all. Marj just met with her doctor and relayed the following update for this week:

* Heartbeat is 128
* Dilated 3 cm
* Bishop score is 6 out of 10 (Bishop score is a pre-labour scoring system to assist in predicting whether induction of labour will be required) a 60% chance of delivery by Tuesday
* If not, will induce early - will set date next Tuesday

Let's see, who has a birthday in the next week or so. Uncle Bucky's birthday (Alexander) was yesterday. We missed that one. Janice Cleveland's birthday is September 26th (wouldn't she love that!!). Tracie and Stacie Morgan's birthday is October 7th - that's too late. Ronda Murrell's birthday is October 8th - that's too late. My grandma's birthday was October 9th - that's too late (but that would be really cool). My dad's birthday is October 16th - definitely too late.

Anyone want to take bets on when it will be. I saw Marj last night. She has really dropped and looks like she is more than ready. I know I am!!

Love to all for now.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Week 37 ... Anticipation

Hello everyone. It is the beginning of a new week and still no Baby Zander. We all talk and act like he is late when in fact we are just excited and anxiously awaiting his arrival. Marj is feeling more miserable by the day and really thought that yesterday was the "day" but Zander proved her wrong. Things have come together in the Harris house (thanks to Talon and Maria, and Becca and Kric Kric). Now all we need is a baby to lay in the crib or gently rock in the cradle or swing in the swing. Oh, the fun things that babies do as we oooh and aaah at them. There are so many special people waiting to see him, to love him, to help spoil him rotten. Do you ever wonder what babies must be thinking as they watch us make silly faces and talk in a funny language that only we can understand. Just wait until we start feeding him and he sees us making the same "mouthy" faces that we want him to make as we "fly the airplane" in for a landing.
Marj has a doctor's appointment tomorrow. It will be interesting to see how much she has dilated and what progress she has made in the last week. Maybe she will get another cool 3D ultrasound picture of our bundle of joy. Once again, we will get a better idea of how much he weighs and just how big this bundle of joy is going to be when he finally decides to grace us with his presence.
There are so many monkeys at his house just waiting for him to come out and play. I picked up a surprise for James over the weekend ... "Five Silly Monkeys" so that he can read to his firstborn son. When he gets tired of playing with the monkeys, John Deere will take over.
Stay tuned for more news from the Harris home as we await the phone call that it is time to head to Lexington Medical Center. Hopefully I'll be able to control my excitement and not run out the door immediately. I have to remember that these things take time and that I do have time to take a shower and get dressed. No going to the hospital in my pajamas so that I don't miss his birth.
Love to all until next time.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Simply Amazing

As we near the due date for Baby Zander, life becomes a little hectic for Marjorie and James as they ready their home and "nest". Marjorie is in the midst of non-stress tests once or twice a week, an ultrasound once a week and weekly doctor visits. She shared her first 3D ultrasound picture with us last Friday. What an amazing sight! The reality of becoming a grandma truly set in as I could see his beautiful face, his pudgy cheeks, the "family" nose, five fingers on his left hand (on which I could also see his fingernails). He looks so peaceful with his fist near his mouth. This is truly amazing for me. If only this technology would have been available when I was having babies. As a matter of fact, I would have settled for a boppy. Things have come a long way in the past 23 years.
During her doctor's visit last Friday, Marjorie also learned that she has dilated 2 cm and the baby's head is -2 (whatever that means). We are in the homestretch now and can hardly wait to get that magical call. Speaking of calls, my mom has told me not to call her again until I was calling to say "come now". She doesn't really mean that but it makes for a funny story right now.