Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Week 38 Doctor's Appointment

Marj had her weekly doctor's appointment this morning. She (and we) were hoping for a date for induction when she got home, but we were fooled. Zander is warm and snug in mommy's belly and has decided to stay a little longer. Marj is still 3 cm dilated and no further along than she was last week. The ultrasound showed that Zander is not "in position" yet which tells me that he just is not ready yet. I have to keep reminding myself that he still has two weeks until his actual due date. He is just reminding us who is in control in this situation. He and God have it all in control and we'll just have to wait.

There is some concern about his heart rate. His heart rate is 105 when Marj is laying on her back and 115 when she rolls over to her side. She will be undergoing another non-stress test Friday at 10. The doctor will re-evaluate then.

Meanwhile, James and Marj have their house in order and are getting some much needed rest while they wait on Baby Zander to decide it is time for him to come out and play.

Zander, this is MeeMee (yes, I changed my change - I can do that!). The flu season has hit really hard in South Carolina and it is ugly. Take your time (within reason) and take comfort where you are and that you are well protected from all of the evils of the world. I love you and can't wait to shed happy tears as you come into the world. Your mom will tell you that I cry over everything. You'll get used to it because I'll do it alot as I watch you grow up.

Sleep tight. God, he is in your hands and we take comfort that you are in control of all things.

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